Victorian Curriculum

The Victorian Curriculum informs our Teaching & Learning programs across Foundation to Year 6. It sets out what every student should learn during their schooling. The curriculum is the common set of knowledge and skills required by students for lifelong learning, social development, and active and informed citizenship.

Our English program is designed to ensure students develop high-level reading, writing, speaking, and listening skills so that all students can make sense of the world they live in. We aim for our students to be able to speak, listen, read, and write effectively with confidence, purpose, and enjoyment.

The Mathematics program aims to equip our students with a high level of mathematical knowledge, skills, and behaviours that will enable them to become inquiring, independent, and lifelong mathematicians who can confidently and competently problem-solve and participate in the ever-changing world.

Our programs are enhanced with students having individual learning goals in reading, writing, and mathematics and the use of digital technologies and ICT to further immerse and engage students' learning.

Our instructional model follows the whole-part-whole approach in reading, writing, and mathematics and focuses on explicit teaching and modelling, while also exposing students to opportunities for productive struggle.

The whole component in the instructional model is the whole-class introduction. The teacher collaboratively discusses learning intentions and success criteria with students and commences explicitly teaching and modelling worked examples. The part component provides an opportunity for the teacher to heavily differentiate work to ensure it meets each student's point of learning need. Teachers will often work with a teaching group and conference with students in both a 1-1 format and small group. The final whole component is the whole-class reflection, which links back to the learning intention, reflecting on the success criteria and student achievement.