Learning Excellence

At Kew East Primary School, we have high expectations of all teachers and students and aim to provide engaging teaching and learning programs that are supported by evidence based best practice. Teachers engage in rigorous professional development to build capacity. The learning is carefully designed to ensure it aligns with our School Strategic Plan and Annual Implementation Plan. All professional learning focusses on building consistency in our approach and strengthening teacher capacity. A variety of formats are used for our professional learning: whole staff sessions, Foundation to Year 2 or Year 3 to 6 teams (Curriculum Improvement Teams, focusing on English or Maths learning), coaching where staff work with an experienced teacher and either have best practice modelled or observed and learning walks. Professional learning is facilitated by both internal and external experts.

Classroom teachers have a weekly two-hour Professional Learning Community meeting where they engage in professional reading, data analysis of the cohort, reflection on teaching and learning programs and collaborative planning. The students and their learning needs are at the forefront of the work.

Planning is highly differentiated and rigorous to cater for explicit instruction and learning needs of all students. Teachers identify and use a range of HITS (High Impact Teaching Strategies) that best facilitate the learning for lessons across their programs. Students are provided with individualised reading, writing and maths goals at their point of need. These are conferenced regularly across the term by the teacher to give feedback, achieve goals and move to a new goal. Technology is embedded into teaching and learning programs as a tool to enhance learning.

At Kew East Primary School, we consistently achieve exceptional results in state and national testing measures, such as NAPLAN, where we are among, or in some cases, the top performing school for literacy and numeracy outcomes. We attribute this success to our highly differentiated and exceptional teaching and learning programs on offer at the school.

Kew East Primary School Learning Excellence